Detox Smoothies – 5 Healthy Recipes to Cleanse Your Body and Lose Weight Fast

detox smoothies

Have you binged over during the holidays or just want to improve your immune system? Or just want to lose some weight. Detox smoothies are the best way to pack some nutrients into your meals. A detox smoothie will not only help you to lose weight but also provide several other benefits such as helping with digestion, controlling cravings, making you feel full, improving skin, and much more. If you have the right ingredients, detox smoothies are very easy to prepare. Let’s take a look at some of the detox smoothies that you can have.

5 Healthy Recipes to Cleanse Your Body and Lose Weight Fast

1. Hemp Seeds, Chia Seeds, Walnuts, Pumpkin Seeds, Brazil Nuts, Coconut Butter, Almond Butter, Banana, Wild Berries, Almond Milk, Water

hemp seed chia seed walnuts smoothie recipe

Apart from being healthy, the smoothie is also insanely delicious. Once you have this, you are going to ask for it again. Chia seeds and hemp seeds are a great source of fiber and can be added to almost everything. Bananas have important minerals like potassium, copper, and selenium.

It has antifungal and antiviral properties that can promote a healthy gut and the fiber content will help in daily detoxification. Almond too is high in fiber and can remove impurities from your bowel.

2. Cucumber Ginger Detox

Cucumber Ginger Detox smoothie

Ginger has several medicinal benefits that come from gingerols. It is a highly potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. Ginger helps with digestion and can be added to a detox drink. This will give relief from bloating.

Cucumber can fight inflammation and has some powerful polyphenol compounds which can slow aging caused by oxidative stress. Cucumbers are actually diuretics that flush out bodily toxins. To prepare this you need cucumber, ginger, and lemon juice. It is best to have a drink on an empty stomach.

3. Turmeric Ginger Detox

ginger turmeric detox tea recipe

Turmeric has curcumin which has great anti-inflammatory effect and is a powerful antioxidant. It supports the immune system and can fight infection. Ginger should be your go-to ingredient for any kind of tummy problem.

It increases the speed at which food is emptied from the stomach. Also, it is highly effective in treating inflammation. This daily detox drink made from ginger and turmeric removes toxins and enhances digestion. Thus, it can give a great start to your day.

4. Banana Oatmeal

banana oatmeal detox smoothie

If you do not have enough time to make a healthy breakfast in the morning, a banana and oatmeal smoothie can prove to be really helpful. Both oatmeal and bananas serve as a great source of protein. This makes it a healthy and delicious way of starting your day. To make this smoothie you just need 5 minutes in the morning. Apart from being a great detox smoothie, it also serves a great meal for losing weight.

5. Cucumber Cranberry

cucumber cranberry detox smoothie

Tangy berries can be an excellent ingredient for smoothies. They serve as great anti-oxidants. It also has anti-inflammatory power. Thus, it can help in improving digestion. It can help with detox and weight loss. A good detox drink is one that includes a mix of fruits that can fly toxins while rebuilding and nourishing damaged tissue. This is one such smoothie.

Detox drinks have turned out to be really popular in recent times as it offers several health benefits. It is one of the easiest ways to rid your body of toxins, improve your energy, and provide your digestive system with a break. Detox drinks can also be great for weight loss.

So, choose a drink that appeals to you the most. Later on, you can add another type of detox drink. Keep in mind that you add organic elements to your drink. Obviously, you do not want to add chemicals and pesticides to your body.

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